Friday, September 10, 2010

Think Big

So today on the drive home it finally hit me. What's wrong with America, and maybe the world. It's been wrong for a long time. Maybe 15 or 20 years now. But here it is.

We don't think BIG. We the people who went to the moon, harnessed the power of the atom, carved our favorite presidents faces in the side of a freaking mountain. We've stopped thinking big.

We just get by.

Think about it. What was the last truly great invention? Personal computer. Ipod. Iphone. GPS.

Nice toys. Sure. Not ground breaking. Just evolution of other gadgets that have been around for a long time.

Not BIG enough.

Our government is no different. They don't think big enough either. It's no wonder we've so many issues. Every peice of legislation they put forth just carries the day. Buys us time until tomorrow. Band-aids on gushing wounds like the economy. Nothing at all for broken bones like social security and immigration. Just enough to survive.


Who thinks big these days? The forces of evil.

Al Queda on 9/11/01 thought big. Damn BIG. The acts on that day changed our world forever.

A bunch of guys who unleashed a computer virus yesterday took down email systems world wide. They thought big.

Somali Pirates. Yes them too. A bunch of guys from a horrible place, with guns and nothing to lose. Attacking huge ships, and taking on Navies. Stupid, but big.

The list goes on and on.

Why don't we think big anymore? Easy answer is it's too hard. You can't throw resources at a single BIG thing without some of the small things - the things that serve as the worlds band-aids losing resources. That's where the politicians get involved, and cause stagnation.

Sometimes we try to think big. Remember when we invaded Iraq, with a theme of 'Shock and Awe'. Big start to that. But it fizzled out and went to pot for a number of reasons.

Its time for America, for the world to think big again. Go big or go nowhere. Extremists and Terrorists wreaking havoc from third world countries? Go Big. As a people we've all got to say enough. No more terrorists. No more lawless nations. No more living in fear of someone who thinks bigger.

Think BIG!

You want alternate fuels? Great. Lets get them developed, for real. Go 'All in' and say after 2030 all new commuter vehicles must be fueled by something other than gas. Oh, and they cannot cost the consumers more than a gas powered vehicle. Get it right, and make it affordable.


Go back to the moon. Go to Mars. Start now. Come on! If you've read other entries in this blog, you already know about the benefits this will have in new tech that will be developed. In jobs for hundreds of thousands. In the wonderful changes it will herald for mankind.

Go big or go home they say. We've been stuck at home too long. Time to go big!

Boldly Go!