Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Time to take 'A Break'

I never thought it would come to this.

I honestly thought we'd be together forever.

The whole thing it truly heartbreaking. But, Its clear I have no choice. This relationship, it just isn't working the way it used to. There's no easy way to say this GOP, but it's time we took a break.

I know we've been together a long time. For as long as I've been able to vote. Hell, even longer. Since the 4th grade mock election when I voted for Reagan. Good times.

We saw great times during the Reagan years. Cleaned up Carters mess. Beat the Commies. Fun stuff. Bush Sr continued the legacy. Showed Iraq who was boss, and showed us 1000 points of light.

We survived the Clinton years, and beat Al Gore. GW Bush came along, and it seemed like the GOP had it made. Right up until 9/11. Things changed. We came together as a nation for a brief time. Then Bush made some decisions folks didn't agree with. Got bad intel about WMD's and acted on it. I stood by you then. Watched that war drag on and on. You still had my support.

Voted for McCain, even with Sarah Palin riding shotgun. I'd trust McCain in the White House. Unfortunately the Obama force could not be stopped.

But lately, things have gotten dark. The election cycle is starting up, and we've no true conservative leader. The party is askew, with the Tea Party getting an awful lot of attention, and embodying the best and worst conservative traits.

I was with you on the fight against Obamacare. It is wrong, legislation like that which so impacts on peoples rights.

I was hopeful when Republicans retook the House of Representatives, and many state capitals.

Hopeful right up until they started to act.

What has happened in Wisconsin, and is happening in Ohio and other states is reprehensible. The people are being ignored, and extremist partisan agenda is being pushed through at great expense.

As with Obamacare, limiting the rights of employees to negotiate on the terms of their employment is something that impacts peoples rights. These actions in the midwest go too far.

I am no great fan of what unions have become in recent years. I've said so online in the past. But public employees unions are different. Very different.

What do teachers unions negotiate for? Sure, salaries, benefits. But also class sizes, parent teacher conferences, professional development, educational improvements, and things that positively impact childrens education. Things that make teaching a viable career for quality professionals.

Firefighters and police. These are the guys you call when your home is on fire, or you have been robbed. These are the guys who put their own safety at risk day in and day out to keep you safe.

These are the people we revered has heroes on September 11, 2001. Today Wisconsin State Senate, you defiled these heroes.

Where has the national GOP leadership been to squelch these Wisconsin and Ohio extremists? Silent, or worse yet supportive. Anyone with a lick of sense can see that this is political suicide, going against the people like this. It's crazy.

And no one from the Republican party has taken a stand as the voice of reason.

No one.

You have got to be kidding me.

So, I think it is time for the GOP and I to take a good old fashioned Ross and Rachael style 'Break'.

Will we get back together? Maybe. I hope so. I still believe in small government, a strong defense, and the constitution of the United States. I believe in the free market, and taxing people no more than is absolutely necessary. I am still a conservative.

Right now, not a proud one. Wisconsin really stole my pride tonight. It'll be worse when it hits my home state of Ohio.

So it's time to take a break.

Does this mean I vote for Obama in 2012? I don't know. Right now I want to take the Brewsters Millions example and cast my vote for 'none of the above'.

I can tell you this. I will not vote for Ohio governor John Kasich, or any State senator or representative that supports Senate Bill 5. Hell no. Not a chance.

I will vote for the common sense candidate. The one who speaks from the heart, and makes the most sense. The one who is least likely to screw us all.

If I had the money and backing I'd run myself. For any office I could.

It's time for Americans to stand up, and speak out. It's time for a revolution of common sense.

It's time for America to be great again.

It's time to Boldy Go.

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